Everybody has bad smells in their life. From the bathroom, kitchen and diaper pail to sports equipment and the car, not-so-nice smells are a not-so-wonderful fact of life. But here's another fact. You don't need harsh chemicals or heavily perfumed air fresheners to get rid of the stink. Not when you've got Fresh Wave.
Fresh Wave natural odor removing products use simple, pure and natural ingredients - water and natural extracts of lime, pine needle, aniseed, clove and cedarwood - to get rid of organic and inorganic odors. As in gone. Adios. Goodbye.
Rather than covering up odors with perfumes and chemicals, our products actually make the odor molecules disappear.
So when we say that odor is outta here...we're not kidding.
Fresh Wave natural odor removing products use simple, pure and natural ingredients - water and natural extracts of lime, pine needle, aniseed, clove and cedarwood - to get rid of organic and inorganic odors. As in gone. Adios. Goodbye.
Rather than covering up odors with perfumes and chemicals, our products actually make the odor molecules disappear.
So when we say that odor is outta here...we're not kidding.