Rexair Rainbow D-4 4-Wire Switch. This is a rocker type switch which fits Rexair / Rainbow D3, D4CSE, D4C, D4 & SE models. Part no # R-2728, R2728
Please follow the wiring instructions below:

Please follow the wiring instructions below:

Customer Questions & Answers
Q: Do you have to take the whole thing apart to replace the switch? If so, what kind of glue holds the bottom gasket on?
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Q: checking the status of order G-SHP-4977-98-9577
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Q: Is this switch for the on/off, and all models? We have one that's over 20 yrs old. I can't get to it right now to get the model number.
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Q: if the 4 wire switch replaces the 6 wire switch, are there instructions/conversion kit to accommodatea changed configuration?
A: Como instalar este swich que tiene 4 cables y el swich de la aspiradora trae 6 cables
answered on 2019-07-22 00:19:41
answered on 2019-07-22 00:19:41