Fits ProTeam ProVac, AviationVac, QuarterVac, Super QuarterVac, TailVac, QuietPro BP, GoCartVac, and the Super QuarterVac HEPA, ProTeam All 6 Quart Backpack vacuum cleaners including Agressor II, Agressor 2, GoCart Vac, Quarter Vac, Quiet Pro, Super Quarter Vac, Tail Vac, Super QuarterVac HEPA, QuarterVac, TailVac, ProVac BP, QuietPro BP HEPA, GoCartVac, AviationVac, Super CoachVac HEPA, TailVac, GoVac BP, AviationVac, ProVac BP, QuietPro BP HEPA, Alpine CM, Alpine HP, Outlaw, Sandia XP-3 Whisper 6 models; Avenger Raven 6, Super Raven 6, Whisper Raven 6, HEPA Raven 6, and Aviat, Sandia Raven & Hipster 10-0197 XP-3 Whisper, all Sandia 6 quart backpack vacuums and all Sandia Hipster Hipvacs, Nobles Trailblazer, Trailblazer Lite, Strapavac ST59, Allstar Quartervac, Tailvac, Windsor VP6, Oreck XLPRO6, XLPRO6A, XLPRO6Z, OR1006
Qty: 6 HEPA Synthetic Cloth type Bags PB1006
Qty: 6 HEPA Synthetic Cloth type Bags PB1006
Customer Questions & Answers
Q: Do you carry the cloth bag for the Perfect pb-1006
A: Yes, here it is: https://www.ezvacuum.com/oreck-xlpro6-backpack-vacuum-cloth-bag-10-0496.html
answered on 2021-05-06 19:40:59
answered on 2021-05-06 19:40:59